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In the ‘Rust Belt’ city of Geelong in Victoria, Australia, discourses of young people’s enterprise and innovation provide a counter-narrative to the prevailing material and symbolic consequences of industrial decline, job losses, and the growing insecurity of employment and income. GT Magazine is a weekly, large circulation magazine in Geelong with a significant focus on the activities and aspirations of enterprising young people. In this paper, we examine, by utilising techniques of content analysis and discourse analysis, the particular ways in which young people’s innovation and enterprise are framed and enacted in GT Magazine. Our analysis reveals that ‘youth’ and ‘enterprise’ are, in GT Magazine, given an embodied form that is powerfully marked by aestheticised, normalised enactments of gender, class and race. In doing this work, we make productive contributions to three key themes in contemporary youth studies: new work orders and the youthful self as enterprise; the gendered and aesthetic dimensions of affective labour in these new work orders; and the emerging spatial turn to examine young people's embodied, place-based experiences of employment and enterprise. We seek to make problematic the sense that solutions to multiple disruptions and crises in capitalism and the environment are to be found in young people’s enterprise. Particularly when that enterprise is given form in ways that are aestheticised, gendered, classed, individualised and responsibilised.  相似文献   
Although the relationship between social protection and enterprise performance is much debated in the literature, evidence is particularly limited in the case of small and medium-sized enterprises in developing economies. Using census data from 2010 to 2014, this article examines how the provision of social security influenced business performance in Indonesia. The author finds that increased social security spending of 10 per cent is associated with a per-worker revenue gain of up to 2 per cent. Moreover, profits are not found to decrease with increased social protection coverage, suggesting that increasing worker benefits may be a worthwhile business investment.  相似文献   
This article examines the dramaturgical challenges of doing boundary work for a group of college women living with non‐college women at an overcrowded rental. To regulate tenant conduct and maintain their sense of self‐worth, the college women engaged in defensive othering and constructed their identity as “high‐quality” people on the basis of their characterization of their less‐educated roommates as “low‐quality” people. Their strategy of gaining self‐worth at their roommates' expense violated basic rules of social interaction that require participants to give face to gain face. This study shows that, in addition to weakening group solidarity and reproducing social inequalities, defensive othering also undermines subordinates' effort to gain self‐worth in the co‐presence of other subordinates. A video abstract is available at http://tinyurl.com/yath4o65  相似文献   
李良品  祝国超  廖钰 《民族学刊》2020,11(3):21-27, 127-128
明清时期中央王朝实施的改土归流,不仅彻底废除了土司的政治、经济、军事、司法等特权,将国家版图内的人事权、财政权、军事指挥权、行政管理权、文化教育权等悉数收归中央,而且也是中华民族共同体由“自在”向“自觉”过渡的关键环节。明清改土归流经历了一个长期、艰巨、复杂的过程,其中既有土司利益与王朝利益的矛盾、各地土司与辖区民众的矛盾,也有中央王朝通过改土归流以增加税收、朝廷命官与乡村民众要求改土归流等现实动因。改土归流实现了国家“大一统”的目标、凸显明清国家治理能力的进步、加快了中华民族共同体建设的速度。中华民族共同体是一个由政治共同体、经济共同体、文化共同体和社会共同体四者构成的命运共同体。改土归流的实施,不仅是推动共同体由“自在”向“自觉”迈进的关键步骤和重要举措,而且使中华民族共同体在政治、经济、文化和社会诸方面发生巨大变化。  相似文献   
中国特色社会主义进入新时代,美丽中国建设迎来了新的发展机遇。美丽乡村建设作为美丽中国建设的基础和关键,既事关社会主义生态文明观的牢固树立,又事关满足人民日益增长的优美生态环境需要。为此,我们要在遵循建设美丽中国基本原则的基础上,努力强化美丽乡村建设的思维引领。这就要坚持以战略思维完善顶层设计,以创新思维激发内生动力,以辩证思维推动协同治理,以法治思维强化刚性约束,以底线思维恪守生态红线,把党在美丽乡村建设过程中总揽全局、协调各方的领导作用落到实处,进而开辟社会主义中国乡村生态文明新时代。  相似文献   
词的语法功能属性与词的使用频度之间的关系是汉语词义属性研究的一个重要方面。通过对258个现代汉语感官动词的使用频度进行封闭测查,考察各个动词在语料库中的频次,以及各词感官义项、非感官义项、感官用法、非感官用法的使用频次,再将这些词的频度信息与它们的语法属性信息进行相容度分析,对词频与基本功能之间的关系进行描写和阐释。结果表明,感官动词的语义属性与动词语法功能之间存在不同的相关性表现。感官动词词义的特殊性表现在相对普通动词而言较弱的动作性,以及词义一般包含较强的对行为方式状态的描述,这是由感官活动在人类行为中的特殊性决定的。此外,词语的类聚特征越丰富,词语聚合的总量就越小,词语间就具有更高的相似度,这些相似度必然会在语法功能等方面得到反映。  相似文献   
高校中层副职干部具有高校干部、中层干部和副职干部的群体特征,应当具备相应的政治、思想、道德、业务、能力和身体等方面的基本素质。高校应当按照现行干部配置规制,结合内部管理体制和工作机制任用干部。高校中层副职干部的日常活动涉及到社会、学校、家庭等多个层面,必须妥善处理好各种人事关系。  相似文献   
翻译实业在中国文化“走出去”战略背景下赢得了巨大的发展机遇,也面临着来自三个方面的巨大的挑战:市场竞争压力、主体合作不力和管理运行机制滞后。与此同时,蕴含在三大挑战中的伦理诉求也日益彰显。因此,以市场伦理、译者伦理和服务伦理三种伦理构建的伦理体系成为翻译实业自身健康、合理、持续发展的重要保障。  相似文献   
史称“新感觉派”后起之秀的黑婴是唯一一位跻身于1930年代中国主流文坛的南洋华侨作家。这位生于荷印棉兰,长于广东梅县,深造于“魔都”上海的新一代南洋华侨,在“民国时态”浓郁的南洋氛围中登陆沪上文坛。在此跨文化的激烈碰撞与深度融合中,黑婴经由“乡愁”的激发与引领,讲述了新一代南洋华侨青年的苦难、迷惘以及艰难的蜕变。今天看来,这种包含着独特生命体验和丰富历史痛感的文化乡愁,正是南侨作家黑婴在“华文文学”和“海派文学”的脉络之外,贡献给中国现代文学真正而独特的“新感觉”。  相似文献   
在《汉语国际教育用音节汉字词汇等级划分》的3000汉字中,记号字占将近六分之一的比例,主要分布在一级、二级汉字中,其中在一级汉字中占绝对优势。记号字来源于六书中的象形字、会意字、形声字、指事字,也来源于半意半记字、音零字和记号字。在汉字形体演变的过程中,现今的记号字是由于笔形之变、结构之变和功能之变等诸多因素形成的,因此对记号字的认知也是分层次的,可以从文字学角度和非字源角度分别认知。  相似文献   
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